Work From Home Essentials

Jul 26, 2021 | Electrical Rewire, Residential Electric

Some people are returning to the office, but many are moving to working from home full time now. As it becomes our “new norm”, it’s important to equip your home office with everything you need to operate efficiently - and video call effectively. Here are a few upgrades we can help with to make working from home easier.

1. Hard-Wired Internet

You probably upgraded your Wi-Fi this past year as we were all staying home and everyone in the family was doing homework, having conference calls, and streaming the newest Netflix productions - AT THE SAME TIME. But, are you still noticing connectivity issues? We have a solution! Let’s hard-wire your internet connection! We will even “hide” the wires to keep your home clean and organized.

We can’t increase the speed, but we can improve reliability and consistency to make your job and leisure time hassle-free. Benefits of a hard-wired connection include reduced lag, secured data, and buffer free streaming.

work from home
work from home

2. Outlets

Did you set up an office space realize the outlets aren’t where you need them? You have to plug in your computer, your printer, your phone, Alexa/Google Home and more. Extensions chords aren’t really a safe option when you have that many appliances to plug in. Give us a call and we can see about adding some outlets to your office. Plus, we can add USB outlets too!

3. Computer Protection

Your office computer contains important information. It’s best to protect it! By having a dedicated computer circuit, you can protect it from power lags when the heater or refrigerator randomly pull more power from the grid. You can also consider a surge protector (not the kind that just plug into the wall). A full house surge protector protects the entire home from electrical damage.

4. Lighting

Are things a bit dim in the office? We can replace your light fixtures for you! We can also install smart home features so you an control your new lights from your phone or with your voice.

Let’s turn your home office into a space you enjoy spending time in! Give Mario Castillo Electric a call and let’s start the conversation.

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